Our Priorities
​​The purpose of the HNGA shall be to strengthen the national defense; to further the interests of the Hawaii National Guard; and to promote and develop a sound organization. We strive to work closely with our local, state, and national elected officials and with the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS). We will fight to maintain and/or increase our structure of forces in Hawaii, fight for the modernization of equipment, and maintain and/or increase our personnel benefits for Soldiers, Airmen, and our families.

The Same Organization
Future Multi-Domain Battlefield Interoperability, including:
- Deployable & Interoperable
Force Structure that is
Validated & Doctrinally
- Space National Guard as
Primary Combat Reserve
within Space Force.
- Continued National Guard
Integration into Total Force
Cyber Mission & Training.

The Same Equipment
Deployable, Interoperable & Sustainable Equipment.
Concurrent & Proportional Fielding of Equipment to the National Guard, including:
– UH-60M, F-35A, KC-46A,
C-130J & FVL Procurement
National Guard Equipment Modernization & Recapitalization, including:
- AH-64E, M1 & M2, HMMWV,
C-130H, A-10, F-15 & F-16

The Same Resources & Benefits
Zero Cost TRICARE to Ensure Reserve Component Medical Readiness.
Post 9/11 GI Bill Parity.
Robust National Guard & Reserve Equipment Account (NGREA) Funding.
Tax Incentives for Guardsmen & Employers.
Ready Access to Mental Health Care & Suicide Prevention.
Increased National Guard Military Construction (MILCON) Funding.