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Our Priorities

We strive to fight for the ALL  organizations to have a voice; we push to equip our Soldiers/Airmen with the tools they need to complete their mission; and we fight for the  resources and benefits for our military families.

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Our Mission

The purpose of the HNGA shall be to strengthen the national defense; to further the interests of the Hawaii National Guard; and to promote and develop a sound organization.


Zero-Cost Tricare

The Dental Care for Our Troops Act is a bipartisan and bicameral bill that waive premiums and co-pays within TRICARE for all Reserve Component members ensuring all service members are ready to deploy and serve our nation when called upon.


HNGA and @ngaus.hq supports this legislation and humbly asks for your help to write to our US congressional delegation to support this.

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HNGA, along with the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS), has been fighting for the needs of the National Guard and all of its members, both at the State Capitol and at the National level in Washington D.C. Want to become a member? Click "Read More" to find out how.

HNGA Calendar

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Hawaii National Guard Association

3949 Diamond Head Road

Honolulu, HI 96816

© 2023 Hawaii National Guard Association

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